Unique Photo Images
More than a Tulip to be Cut Down
I borrowed this beautiful tulip that soon was to be cut down. Set up a studio in our dining room and photographed it with my iPhone 4. At first I was just going to call the image "Bullseye Beauty" but after the image was edited with 2 separate apps, it became more interesting and developed a mood that I liked. The tulip was photographed in a square format with a new app called 645 Pro. This camera app permit me to photograph in a square mode just like Hipstamatic but this camera app gives more options like a DSLR on my iPhone. Many photographers get hung up about images being in a bullseye mode. Most of these individuals have never shot a camera in a square format. A fun read for everyone is an eBook titled "Square".
Morning at Prairie Lakes
I call this image "Morning". My iPhone captured a unique look and the texture was added with an app called photocopier. I love the artistic looks that I can arrive at with various apps.
Close Up Photography is becoming a lot of fun with the available LED Light Panels. The LED lights were originally designed for shooting videos but they are wonderful for Still Photography.
Revised Tulip
I really did not like the bright background. Isn't Digital wonderful.
Tulip with an Attitude
Who said that old in not beautiful?
Tulip Unique
This Tulip had two petals removed to photograph the inside. I then softened the image for a more romantic look.
Study in Focusing different points of the Columbine
I shot 11 photographs of the Columbine with each shot focusing at different areas of the flower. These 11 images were then combined into software called Helicon Focus. The software combines all of the sharp part of each photograph into one image. This "focus stacking" technique is especially effective with landscape type images. To get sharper focus control, I used Live View on the camera and enlarged the area of concern by 5 times. Live View is by far the best way to do critical focusing.
Ron's Tree with Pictueresque app
This iPhone app takes a plain sky and gives it texture.
Redbuds on the iPhone
Our Redbud tree has been a showcase of color this year. Possibly because of the early warm weather. I held a black card behind the buds and then changed the color in NIK Viveza 2.
iPhone for Close-Up Photography
I took a Mike Moats Close Up photo workshop this past weekend and took time to try the iPhone with this beautiful shell. It is amazing how much depth of field the cell phone camera has because of the small sensor.
Purpose of this BLOG is the "Sharing - Ideas, Techniques, and happenings in the world of Photography".