Snap, Crackle and Pop
Snap, Crackle and Pop - from Tom Icklan
Photographer, Tom Icklan from (NJ and FL) got me started with the idea of Snap, Crackle and Pop. This is one of his lectures and demonstrations on the East Coast. We met Tom and his lovely wife Elaine in Italy with Dan Anderson’s May 2006 Tour of florence and Tuscany. What a great experience. And what an outstanding
I picked up on Tom's concept and have developed a one hour demonstration/lecture for Camera Clubs and interested photo groups in the midwest. Today after talking with Dennis Arendt, I have two more neat ideas for (S,C, & P). Many thanks Dennis.
Dennis Arendt
1. Make a copy of the Background Layer and change the blend mode to “Soft Light”. Then set the opacity to the desired level.
2. Make a copy of the Background layer and open Unsharp Mask Filter. Change the settings to Amount - 20, Radius - 60, and Threshold to 0. Again, use the opasity to fit your personal taste. Try it, you may like it
Thanks - Tom and Dennis