Poppies & Paint & Creativity
This painting took a few hours to complete, but I had a lot of fun and excitement in the process. To me having fun and lasting enjoyment is what it is all about. And then the chance to share with others your works.
Here was the photograph that I shot on a hillside in Italy, worked on in Photogshop and then painted. This was a neat find on our tour lead by Dan Anderson and guide Ursula. What was also neat that we had the freedom to change the schedule and work this poppy field for about three hours. I like the image, but want more of a dream like memory so I used the impressionist tool and the above painting was the result.
Notes on creativity: from Julieanne Kost. This is from here book "Window Seat - The Art of Digital photography and Creative Thinking"
1. Master your Tools
2. Listen to what your life is trying to tell you.
3. Be open to whatever comes your way.
4. Share what you know and learn from others.
5. Collaborate with other creative people. Especially the quiet ones.
6. Be flexible. Learn to negotiate
7. Fix whatever you complain about the most.
8. View every challenge as a possible discovery.
9. Take 15 minutes for yourself every day.
10. Figure out what you need to do to reach your "zero point."
11. Integrate work and art; both will benefit.
12. Take up an interest in something you know nothing about.
13. Look at new stuff--and at what you already know--with a fresh perspective.
14. Keep a journal.
15. Visualize first, Photoshop second.
16. Replace your thoughts with intuition.
17. Play! Play! Play!
18. Know when your done.